The Pros and Cons of Emergency Loans
The Pros and Cons of Emergency Loans

The Pros and Cons of Emergency Loans

Your business is bound to face emergencies every now and then. No matter how prepared you are as a small business owner, natural disasters, technology mishaps, employee turnover, and financial challenges may arise.

In most cases, handling emergencies will cost you a great deal of money. If you don’t have the cash on hand to pay for them, anemergency business loan可以帮助。让我们仔细研究什么以及他们的利弊。



An emergency business loan may also help you continue operations when a global pandemic or earthquake strikes. It may be just what you need to get through a difficult time. You can get an emergency loan through a bank, credit union, online lender, or even a government backed organization like the Small Business Administration (SBA).

Top Emergency Business Loan Options

There are a number of emergency small business loans available. The state of your business as well as the circumstances of your emergency and future goals can help you choose the ideal option for your situation. A few of the most common types of emergency business loans include:

  • 期限贷款:通过定期贷款,您将获得一笔现金预付款。然后,您每月在商定的期限内每月偿还。如果您必须为一次性紧急费用提供资金,则定期贷款可能是有道理的。
  • Business Line of Credit:If you’re unsure of exactly how much money you need to cover your emergency, a business line of credit is worth considering. With this funding option, you can borrow as much or as little as you’d like up to a set credit limit. You’ll repay the amount you withdraw plus interest.
  • 发票保理Invoice factoringcan be a good fit if your customers owe you money. You can sell your unpaid invoices to a factoring company for a fee. Just keep in mind that this type of emergency loan may be costly and require your customers to deal with the company directly.
  • Merchant Cash Advance:商人现金付款是在您收到一笔钱来换取未来信用卡销售或收入百分比的时候。它通常比其他营运资金选择较短。
  • SBA灾难贷款:The SBA offers灾难贷款利率低。您可以带一个人来维修或更换灾难中的物品。这些物品可以是房地产,机械,财产和其他物理资产。

Find Out If You Qualify for an Emergency Business Loan

The Pros of Emergency Loans

The most noteworthy benefits of receiving a loan after an emergency include:

  • Fast Application:根据您选择的贷方,您可以在自己的家庭或办公室舒适地在线申请紧急贷款。与其他类型的贷款相比,紧急企业贷款申请需要较少的文件。
  • Flexible:尽管紧急贷款是为紧急情况设计的,但它们可用于支付各种费用。紧急贷款可能会支付库存,设备,漏水的屋顶,破损的空调,最后一分钟的人员配备以及几乎任何其他意外费用。
  • Various Repayment Terms:紧急贷款带有从几个月到几年或更长时间的各种术语。请记住,虽然较长的还款条款允许较低的付款,但从长远来看,您将支付更多的利息。在获得贷款之前,请询问贷方他们的每周或每月付款条款如何工作。
  • No Need for Collateral:There are many unsecured emergency loans, meaning you don’t need to secure them by collateral like your equipment or commercial property. This is great news as the lender may seize your collateral if you default on a secured emergency business loan.
  • Fast Funding:您不必等待数周或几个月就可以在批准后获得资金。大多数贷方将在24小时或几个工作日内通过直接存款进行分配。一些企业贷方甚至提供即时或同一天的资金。

The Cons of Emergency Loans

Just like all financial products, there are some drawbacks to emergency loans such as:

  • Strict Requirements:由于大多数紧急贷款都是无抵押的,因此您可能必须符合严格的标准才能获得批准。如果您从事工作时间太长或信用评分较低,这可能是有问题的。
  • High Interest Rates:While interest rates vary from lender to lender, many emergency loans feature high interest rates, sometimes in the triple digits. A high interest rate can cost you thousands of extra dollars over the life of your loan.
  • 较小的贷款金额:Emergency loans are short-term loans for emergency expenses. Therefore, they tend to come with smaller amounts than longer-term loans. If your emergency is very expensive, you may find it difficult to get approved for all the money you need.
  • 掠夺性贷方:即使有许多信誉良好的贷方提供紧急业务贷款,但有些是掠夺性的。他们可能会收取高昂的费用或利率,并使您的紧急情况更糟。幸运的是,如果您查看BBB个人资料并阅读客户评论,您可以很快发现掠夺性贷方。

Conclusion: Move Forward From a Business Emergency with an Emergency Loan



Editorial Note:Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author's alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

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