



Defining Fixed and Variable Rate Business Loans

A fixed business loan carries a setinterest ratethat remains the same over the life of the loan. An adjustable rate business loan starts with a set interest rate that changes based on current market rates at a predetermined date. AsInvestopedia explains,“可变利率贷款收取的利息与基础基准或指数有关,例如联邦资金利率。”例如,假设您取出5/1可变利率业务贷款。在此示例中,将5%的利率设定为五年。在该五年结束时,根据当前市场利率的变化方式,利率将得到调整。根据当前的市场利率,它可以上升,下降或保持不变。如果此示例贷款是固定利率业务贷款,那么最初的5%的利率将永远不会改变。

The Pros and Cons of Fixed Rate Business Loans

Fixed rate business loans can be more or less cost-efficient depending onhow interest rates move。例如,如果您锁定固定利率贷款,然后利率上升,那么您将获得很多交易。另一方面,如果您锁定并降低利率,则可以通过可变的利率贷款节省资金。通常,您的贷款期限越长,您将面临的利率风险就越多。结果,对于长期贷款,固定利率贷款的风险较小。除了潜在的成本收益外,固定利率还通过保持付款稳定为您提供可预测性。结果,您不必定期调整您的预测和预算基于波动的贷款付款。

The Pros and Cons of Variable Rate Business Loans

Variable rate business loans typically offer a lower introductory interest rate than a fixed rate loan. So initially, variable rate loans will be more cost-effective than fixed rate loans. However, variable rate loans expose you to the risk of rising interest rates. If market conditions cause an increase in interest rates, your loan payments will increase. At the same time, if interest rates decrease, a variable rate loan can be a great deal. A general rule of thumb is that the longer the term of your variable rate loan, the riskier it is. After all, the longer your loan term, the greater the risk is that interest rates will increase at some point. In some cases, rate increases can cause your business financing to become unaffordable. This is what happened to many home buyers who took out adjustable-rate mortgages during the subprime mortgage crisis. That said, variable rate loans often have interest rate caps. These caps are designed to protect you if rates rise to extremely high levels by setting a ceiling (or “cap”) on your loan’s rate. Still, even with an interest rate cap, your rates can rise by multiple percentage points. It's also important to note that if you pursue a business line of credit instead of a term loan, it will usually come with a variable rate. This is because credit lines typically provide more flexibility in terms of repayment.


Studies have foundthat borrowers are likely to pay less interest with a variable rate loan compared to a fixed rate loan. Of course, past performance isn't necessarily an indication of future results. Deciding between fixed and variable rate small business loans boils down to:
  1. The loan term:as loan term lengthens, the interest rate risk of a variable rate loan increases and vice versa.
  2. 当前和未来的市场状况:if interest rates increase, the cost of a variable rate loan increases and vice versa.
  3. 您对可预测性的偏爱:no one knows for sure how interest rates may or may not change over time. However, monthly payments on fixed rate loans stay constant no matter what.
Unfortunately, deciding between these two loan types is not black and white for most business owners seeking additional financing. You can successfully finance your business with either financing option. Ultimately it comes down to personal preference, risk tolerance, cash flow, and the consideration of your business's short term and long term goals.