8 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Business Credit Card
January 08, 2019

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Business Credit Card


好消息是,如果您还没有商务信用卡,则可以选择各种好处的选择。另外 - 根据美联储的说法小企业信用调查, about 76 percent of businesses that apply for outside funds receive at least some financing.

To increase your chances of being approved for a business credit card, here are eight common mistakes to avoid when applying:



用信用卡而不是现金付款的主要好处之一是许多卡允许您earn rewards在您的购买中。由于业务费用可能很大,因此这些奖励会随着时间的推移加起来。当您评估选项时,请查找为您的业务提供相关奖励的卡 - 无论是现金返还,航空里程还是其他特权。

2.Not Looking for a Low APR

If you’re using your card to make large purchases that you plan to pay for over the course of several months, the interest you’re charged matters. A high annual percentage rate (APR) can significantly increase your costs as you work to pay off your credit card balance. Make sure you consider the costs of the card in addition to its benefits, since a lower APR can save your business a lot of money.



4。申请ing for Cards That Affect Your Personal Credit

If you’ve worked hard to maintain a high personal credit score, it’s usually a good idea to choose a card that only reports to your business’s credit profile. Otherwise, the additional balance you carry each month on your business card can negatively impact your credit score, even if you pay your bills on time. In addition, making the effort to build your business credit can help you get approved for other types ofAPP亚博娱乐将来。


It may seem sensible to ask for the highest credit limit available when applying for a credit card, but a higher limit may also tempt you to spend beyond your means. If you don’t have the discipline to stay within your budget, keep your credit limit low. That way, you don’t have to worry about overspending and going into unnecessary debt — or ruining your credit score.


Each time you apply for a new credit card it can trigger a hard inquiry, which impacts your credit score. While one or two hard inquiries won’t significantly affect your credit, applying for several cards at once can be problematic. Aside from lowering your credit score, applying for too many new credit card accounts can signal that your business is in financial trouble.



8。Closing Accounts to Open New Ones

Since one of the factors that goes into calculating your credit score is the average age of your accounts, it’s usually not a good idea to open and经常关闭帐户. Instead, you should only close accounts that are costing you money and keep the account with the longest history active. This way, you won’t risk hurting your business’s credit score.



Have any tips for applying and accepting a business credit card offer? Share your tips with us in the comment section below!



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