February 09, 2022

20 Business Articles Every Entrepreneur Should Read



1.Mark Cuban Says These are The Dumbest Things Entrepreneurs Do, Entrepreneur

Most likely, you’ve watched Mark Cuban on Shark Tank or know of his various business ventures. Therefore, it’s clear that he knows a thing or two about running a business. Cuban implores new entrepreneurs not to fall into three easy-to-miss traps在本文中.

2.小型企业贷款如何工作?Fora下载亚博体育app Financial Blog

If you’re interested in pursuing additional financing for your business, it’s crucial to understand how the 小企业贷款流程 works. This comprehensive guide explains how to apply, qualify for, and repay a business loan. You can receive the financing that your business requires by doing this correctly! New call-to-action

3.What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review

企业主必须戴许多帽子,最重要的是,他们必须是强大的领导者。 In this article , Harvard Business Review discusses what a leader looks like and how you can improve your leadership skills.

4.Why You Hate Work, New York Times

全球报告中只有13%的工人在工作中感到满意,因此也难怪有这么多人讨厌自己的工作。作为企业主,您需要培养一个使员工履行的环境 - 本文 提供路线图。

5。50 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur.com

您是否正在努力寻找自己热衷的职业,陷入了疲倦的工作?或者,也许您不喜欢为他人工作,而是喜欢独立工作。如果是这样,您可能是那种会像企业家一样出色的人。查看 50 signs that reveal your entrepreneurial tendencies.


企业家精神不仅仅是赚钱。最重要的原因之一是许多人想自己工作。在本文中,格兰特·卡通(Grant Cardone)揭示了他在成为百万富翁的道路上的十个步骤。

7。Why Google Doesn’t Care About College Degrees, VentureBeat.com

Look no further than Google for validation that you don’t need a college degree to start a business. This article reviews five reasons executives at Google don’t care about college degrees in their hiring process.

8。7 Rejections, Medium.com

Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky received five rejection letters from potential investors and was ignored by the other two he contacted. This 文章审查了七个拒绝 切斯基(Chesky)为改变旅游业的公司寻求资金而收到。


在他的Medium.com文章中,Gary Vaynerchuk强调了他对首次企业家的三大建议。

10。The Best Startup Advice You’ll Ever Receive, ProductHunt.com

This article packs a punch, delivering thebest startup advicefrom some of the country’s best founders.

11.How to Write A Business Proposal in Six Steps, FitSmallBusiness.com


12.您应该期望的12个小型企业启动成本,Fora Financial Blog下载亚博体育app

Not every expense you face will be predictable. Control what you can by preparing for thestartup costsyou should expect as a startup owner.

13.How Different Industries Can Use a Small Business Loan, The Fora Financial Blog

This guide provides growth ideas for nearly every industry imaginable. From florists to restaurant owners to construction firms, we provide ideas on howdifferent industries can utilize a business loan. 文本中的商业细胞



15.The Best Payment Processing Software for SMBs, Hatchbuck.com

如今,一切似乎都在网上移动,您的付款处理系统也应如此。Read this articleto ensure your business is utilizing the best payment software.

16。How to Do Keyword Research For Content That Generates Leads, Duct Tape Marketing


27.Why Should Anyone Be Led by You? Harvard Business Review

在开始和发展一家公司之前,本文认为您需要问自己,” 我为什么要领导任何人 ?”回答这个问题使您了解自己是领导者和未来所有者。

18。The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship, Forbes.com

Although there’s potential for riches and complete freedom, you pay the price as an entrepreneur. This article explores the psychological downsides of pursuing entrepreneurship full-time.

19.How to Hire The Right Person, NYTimes.com

Hiring the right people is crucial to a business’s success. As the title implies,this pieceexplains how to recruit people that will help your business grow and flourish.

20。What to Do if Your Business Loan Application Was Declined,Fora下载亚博体育app Financial Blog

Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business, so when your 贷款申请被拒绝 , it can be overwhelming. In this post, we review the steps you should take to get approved in the future.


商业世界一直在不断变化,尤其是自19岁大流行即将来临以来。具有讽刺意味的是,阅读是跟上这些变化时代的最有效工具之一。如果您想继续扩展业务知识,请在下面注册我们的业务新闻通讯!Editor’s Note : This post was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in February 2022.