
The Top Benefits of Having a Good Business Credit Score

如果您想申请融资以提供必要的费用,则需要体面的业务信用评分。在审查您的贷款或消费者信用申请时,大多数贷方都会考虑您的信用评分。因此,您必须 提高或保持分数 ,取决于您当前的财务状况。 即使您获得了低分数融资的批准,您也可能会收到比分数高的企业更糟糕的条件。这可能会损害您的业务,因为资金可能太昂贵了,可能需要很长时间才能偿还您的债务。 要了解拥有良好业务信用评分的好处,请继续阅读! 文本中的好企业学分得分


Before we review the importance of having a good business credit score, you should understand what a good credit score is. 大多数业务信用评分从0到100不等,但是不同的信用局都有自己的评分模型。下面,我们将回顾最受欢迎的业务信用报告机构及其认为是良好的业务信用评分:
  • Experian:When checking your business credit score from Experian, you'll want to be in the 76-100 range, which is considered a low credit risk score. On the opposite end of the scale, 1-10 is regarded as a high-risk score. If your score is within this range, you'll need to improve your score as soon as possible.
  • Equifax:Equifax's scoring system works a little differently than other bureaus. They assign businesses three scores in their credit reports. These scores measure the following areas:
  1. Traditional Credit Risk Score: This ranges from 100 to 992 and gives an overview of your business's credit history.
  2. 付款指数:这个分数从0到100不等,反映了您的付款历史记录。如果您按时支付了账单并负责任地管理您的财务状况,那么您的分数将接近100。
  3. Business Failure Score: The final score included in Equifax's Business Credit Reports rates your business based on the likelihood that you'll go under or dissolve. This score ranges from 1,000 to 1,000.
  • FICO SBSS:For this credit index, you should aim to have a higher score instead of a lower score. The FICO SBSS scores range from 0 to 300, and you'll want to have a score of at least 160 to apply for bank financing.
  • Dun & Bradstreet PAYDEX: Your PAYDEX Score will fall between 0-100, but you'll want to score between 80 to 100, which is considered good. 0 to 49 is regarded as a bad rating, so you'll need to make timely payments to improve it.
Find Out If You Qualify

Why Having a Good Business Credit Score Matters:

1。It'll Be Easier to Qualify for a Loan

拥有优异企业信贷的最重要的优势之一是易于获得小型企业贷款或信贷额度的资格。 贷方犹豫不决,因为担心他们无法按时或完全付款,向信用记录差的企业贷款。作为具有良好信用评分的企业,您可能可以快速而痛苦地获得贷款!


Typically, lenders will be more likely to offer favorable 企业的贷款条款 that have proven their creditworthiness. 例如,您可以利用强大的信用评分来协商更低的利率和较大的信用额度。更好的条款可以极大地使您的业务受益。例如,较低的利率将为您的业务节省数千美元的利息支付!


With business credit, you can separate your personal and business financial obligations. Your company debts will be reported on your small business's credit reports, saving your personal credit rating from being impacted by any financial woes your business may face and vice versa. 当然,查看您的个人信用报告仍然很重要。当您申请贷款时,贷方可能需要检查您的个人信用评分和企业的信用报告。


一旦建立了良好的业务信贷,这将帮助您申请业务融资。它对供应商提供的信用条款也很好。 当是时候购买其他设备和库存时,请考虑以信贷方式购买。如果您的供应商可以相信您的业务在财务上是稳定的,并且能够及时偿还债务,那么他们将更加自在 forgoing prepayment and allowing you to purchase on credit.

5.Get Access to Cash for Growth and Expansion

Even if your business can meet its current financial needs without credit, what happens when you decide to expand your operations? 例如,借贷款 business expansion project 将使您能够超出最初想象的扩展业务。扩展是否涉及新的设施,设备还是库存,贷款都可以帮助您开始。


Now that you understand the importance of maintaining a good business credit score, take time to form healthy financial habits. Without monitoring your business's finances, you won't be able to improve or maintain your score.
  • 按时支付账单:将全额及时支付账单作为优先事项。信用局将看到您负责任地管理财务状况,反映您的企业的信用评分。
  • 减少现有债务:这可能具有挑战性,但是您需要专注于履行财务义务以提高得分。这意味着还清企业的信用卡债务,偿还供应商并取消其他未偿还的余额。
  • 经常检查您的分数: Set a reminder on your phone or write a note in your planner to periodically check your credit. Reviewing your credit report will help you recognize any mistakes or issues.
  • 处理税收留置权: It can seriously affect your credit if you're issued atax lien。因此,您应该尽快全额支付税收留置权。此外,您可能需要追求从属或提款,这可以帮助您从公共记录中删除税收留置权。


总体而言,很明显,拥有稳定的业务信用评分有很多好处。无论您是拥有新业务还是一项良好的业务,都至关重要的是建立您的信用评分,以便您可以在未来几年取得成功。 Editor's Note: This post was updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness in June 2022. 具有良好的商业学分得分

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